Wednesday, September 2, 2009

first day of school

The little stinker was too concerned with watching the garbage and recycling trucks to smile for a picture...


So we all returned to our normal work routines this week and so far so good.  Actually, it's going better than good.  I stressed all summer long about this week, when in reality I absolutely LOVE my job and am grateful to have it, and Poppy loves her daycare and has been asking to see her friends for weeks.


Natalie said...

What's up Mini-Amanda?!?!?! Love the outfit, and I know that you do too ;)

saintlouisfricks said...

Yay! So glad things are going smoothly.

Sarah said...

I know how you feel! I love how Ava LOVES going to Rose's and I love getting back in the classroom. Now I just need to write this down so I can read it on the days I am ready to turn the car around in the morning and quit my job!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad to hear things are going well!

Kelly said...

Congrats on a great first day back!

Christine said...

Adorable!! Glad the first day back went well!

Michelle said...

Smooth sailing is always good and yes, the trash trucks are a hit over here as well.

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