We always keep our little point and shoot camera in the diaper bag, and apparently I used it to take pics all summer, but haven't uploaded it once. So here is part 1 of our summer...
In July we took Poppy to Toronto for the day to see a Yankees game (we left Sam at home because he's just too squirmy to sit for an entire baseball game in the smoking hot sun. more on that topic later.). On the way to TO, we made a pit-stop at Ikea to stock up on Ratty's. Poppy knows that we have an entire stash of them in my closet, but we only use them if she loses Ratty or if he's taking a spa day through the washing machine. She's only allowed to have one at a time (or else our house would be filled w/ rats because we do have about 100 of them and now that I'm thinking about it, it would be super funny to take a picture of ALL of them together). But here she is with her new stash of rats plus a bunny she talked us into.
The game was super fun and thank God, our seats were in the shade. Poppy had a blast pigging out on popcorn and ice cream.
The following weekend was our annual weekend with my Godson, Gage, who we take to a Bisons game each year for his birthday.
Despite the 6 year age difference, Poppy and Gage always have a blast together. And of course, the highlight of the game for her was all of the junk food that she gets to eat - like cotton candy.
At the end of July was our annual Stonybrook camping trip. We were planning on bringing Sam, but at the last minute we decided to leave him at home w/ my parents instead. He was just barely learning how to crawl at this point and he was going through a phase where he wanted to be held 24/7 (because I was weaning him) and I knew that it would be a rough time for me if we did bring him. Next year, Sam.
{swinging on the hammock with Amelia}
{a banana and her beloved ratty fingerlights}
{her cousin trying to show her a katydid (on his hand), Poppy is grossed out and wants nothing to do with it}
{there were a lot of s'mores consumed this summer}
{She's got her camelbak and she's ready for a water hike!}
{taking a break for some beef jerky}
{waterfalls at the end of our hike, Poppy doing a ballet move}
{Marc going off with the kids to explore the waterfalls}
{I love the expression on his face, apparently the water was about 50 degrees}
My favorite part of this picture is the fact that Marc looks like a vampire because his face is caked with sunblock and his eyebrows are covered up. If you've ever seen Marc apply sunscreen to himself, it's hilarious- he has a tendency to "over apply". I was reading Interview with the Vampire at the time, which makes it even funnier. And I pictured him as one of the vampires until the end of the book.
And that concludes part 1 of our 2011 summer photo dump. More to come...