Sunday, September 27, 2009

apple picking

Apparently we are all about fruit picking this year.  Poppy absolutely loves it.  She loves being able to run around in the orchards, and she is always in awe when she realizes that she gets to pick her own fruit and eat endless amounts of it.  This weekend we took a drive out to the Hurd Orchard...

Picnik collage





After all of our hard work, it was back to the barn for some yummy homemade chicken pot pie and cider...



Stay tuned for next weekend's "picking" adventures...


Natalie said...

I AM SOOOO MAD WE DIDN'T GO!!!!!!! I love that bow in Poppy's hair!

Tammy said...

What lovely'll have to check out mine on FB.

We ended up going on Saturday...sorry we missed running into you.

It's ridiculous how pretty it is there ...add some beautiful children to the scene and it's like some kind of rural heaven!

Elizabeth said...

I love: Poppy's bow, her EYING the cider, and the picture of her and Marc carrying their baskets. So, so cute!

jenna said...

Ohhhhhh....I canNOT wait to do this in a few weeks! Looks like a blast!

lookingforlulu said...

this is the cutest series! makes me realized it is officially fall.....

Michelle said...

Looks like great fun. Love her eying the cider too.

Christine said...

Looks like so much fun!! I'm hoping to do this in the next week or so. Love how she is carrying her own basket... love. it.

dana said...

Ok, I feel like a broken record ... she is so friggin' cute!! and such great fashion sense - practical and sweet at the same time!

klarobinson215 said...

Those are adorable boots!

24 Hour Escorts Enterprise said...

Great reading yourr post

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