Yesterday morning, we headed to the pumpkin farm bright and early...

And after much inspection, Miss Poppy finally found her perfect pumpkin...

Apparently the pony ride wasn't a big hit this year. She kept saying she wanted to ride the goats and was not happy to find out she couldn't.
Then last night we went to the Enchanted Forest at Beaver Meadows Nature Preserve. It started at 7ish, so it was pretty dark. We were with a group of family and friends, and basically we took a guided walk through the nature preserve. Our tourguide was carrying a lantern (no flashlights were allowed) and our pathway was lit by hundreds of carved jack-o-lanterns. And then every couple of minutes we would stop at an "exhibit" that included an adult dressed up as a nocturnal animal. We saw a beaver, opposum, firefly, flying squirrel and a few more. The animals would tell us a little bit about their habitat and what they ate, etc. and then we would continue walking until we came to the next animal. Poppy was a trooper, at first. And then she started saying "No, no more." to the animals. Luckily we brought our backpack carrier and Marc carried her in it for most of the way. She just burrowed her little head into his back. When we got to the next animal and I asked her if she wanted to look at it, she put her hand over her eyes and said "No mama! I'm sleeping! Poppy sleeping!". She didn't actually fall asleep and she managed a full recovery by the time our trail was over and we stopped by the tent that was offering donuts and cider. Needless to say, Poppy was up way past her bedtime, but we had such a great time that it was definitely worth it (even if she woke up hysterical at midnight convinced that it was time to wake up for the day).
While we were waiting for the tour to begin, one of the volunteers brought out a snake for the kids to see...

Luckily, her daddy was there to protect her!
Today we were supposed to go to the farm where we get our weekly CSA vegetables from for their annual fall harvest festival. This is our 5th year participating in this CSA and we've never been able to make it the picnic before, so we were excited to go this year. But, like I said, someone didn't make it to bed on time last night and someone is very sensitive to sleep deprivation, and we knew that someone wouldn't be able to take a nap today if we went to the picnic, so we decided to skip it again this year. And I'm not gonna lie - I'm getting a little farmed out lately. Maybe next year...
So instead, we spent our morning sleeping in, making yummy french toast for breakfast, making crafts and then heading to the park for a bit...

(she may look terrified in this pic, but she LOVES this slide)

As you can see, we didn't quite finish our stained glass leaves from last weekend, but we did make trees with thumbprint leaves today (the other crafts are from storytime @ the library). We always hang her artwork on the wall in our dining room ('cause we're fancy like that) and she is always so proud of it - so cute!