Saturday morning we headed up to Toronto for one last Yankees game of the season. Poppy was super excited to see more baseball- so excited that she didn't nap at all on the way there. Our seats were directly in the smoking hot sun, but we still managed to have a great time...
So after the game, we get in the car and start heading towards our favorite sushi restaurant for dinner. Poppy's in the backseat chatting away, asking for seaweed snack (have I mentioned how obsessed she is with eating seaweed lately?) and then within seconds there is silence...
Is that not the funniest thing you've ever seen?
Now just so you don't think that we are cruel parents, keep in mind that we were in the danger zone - if she would have fallen asleep then, there is no way she would have gone to sleep at bedtime, so we had to keep her up. And we did make it to our sushi place and then even managed to walk around the city for a bit. Good times were had by all.
That video is excellent! I love the way she wakes right up when Daddy wants to take her seaweed. AWESOME!
We have GOT to get Olive on this seaweed train everyone sings the praises of! We have some, we just keep forgetting about it.
I'm so glad you said something b/c at the beginning of the video, I was thinking to myself, "Marc and Amanda, let the poor girl sleep!" But we know the Danger Zone all too well.
Very, very cute video!
*LOL* So funny!
PS - completely jealous of the game too!
OK - that is toooo funny! I totally know what you are talking about with the "Danger Zone" aspect. There are times when I think I should invest in a cat toy or something that I can dangle in front of Spencer when he starts to doze off inconveniently. (He's still facing backwards so it makes it hard when I'm driving)
Seaweed Girl! The obsession continues over here w the laver as well. And, I so get the sleeping danger zone!
awww, too funny!!! she is so cute - and i'm so impressed with her ability to rebound!! the kids freak over seaweed. they love it!
Very funny, get her a squirt gun so she can squirt you. She will surely stay awake then.
Go Jays Go!! You should have just driven west an hour and a half and we could of had a visit! Or we could have met up somewhere - next time you are in the GTA let me know!
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