I got my first "back to school" cold last week. I've felt like poop since Wednesday, but I think after a weekend of laying low, I'm finally feeling better. Every time Poppy sneezed or got a little sniffle in her nose, we both freaked out because we are so not ready for her to be sick. Luckily she seems to feel just fine. This afternoon we went to a little get together at a friends house to watch the game...
- "Let's Go Bill's!"
Adorable outfit!! I love it!
That outfit is too cute!! I love the bow!
ugh. i am not looking forward to winter colds. hope you feel better.
miss poppy is looking adorable in her cheerleading outfit!
Oh my gosh... Poppy looks too cute for words in her outfit! I hope you are 100% soon!
What a cutie-pie cheerleader! Love the outfit.
I can't add much to all the comments, but that cheerleader outfit is too much. Love it.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope you're 100% soon.
Poppy looks SO adorable!
So sorry I may have infected you....from now on I'll remember, the lib is a germ free zone!
(Poppy's ridiculously cute in that first pic.)
We too have been nursing colds. I think we are finally over it. Seems it has been making its rounds. Went to the LTC picnic this past wknd and met some great people. There were double, if not triple, the amount of kids and parents. Lots of fun. Pics to follow.
feel better ... rah rah!! too cute!!!!!!!!!!
Such a cute outfit!
Feel better - I hate having the Library cold - who knew books could be so nasty.
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