Thursday, March 29, 2012


We just got back from a perfect vacation in Florida.  My parents and Marc's mom were there at the same time, which was heaven for Poppy and Sam...

We spent lots of time at the beach...

And in the pool...

There were adventures in kayaking...

 which resulted in two tired babies...

There was a whirlwind day spent at disney...

princesses to chat with...

 this little playground at the bottom of splash mountain was the highlight of the day for Sammy...

We rented a stroller towards the end of the day for Poppy to crash in and Sam flipped whenever he wasn't holding her hand...

We told Poppy she could pick out a souvenir and of course she bee-lined it right to the books.  She did not put this book down for the rest of the night (or the rest of the vacation)...

 There was lots of ice cream consumed, of course...

Adventures with Upa - searching for sea shells...

wave crashing...

sorting shells...

a comfy spot to read...

Sammy kept us on our toes all week...

And that was our vacation.  It was absolutely perfect.  The weather was beautiful, lots of time spent with family, lots of relaxing.  Good times.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Poppy's piano recital

Tonight was the spring recital at Poppy's music school.  There were about 15 students performing and Poppy was the first one.  She has been practicing her song, Lightly Row, all day lately and we were so proud of her when she performed it perfectly up on stage...

You could tell that this time around she was not nervous at all about going up on stage and performing in front of a crowd.  I still can't believe how quickly she is learning to play the piano and the fact that she still loves it so much.  We are sooo proud of her!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Goofing around...

Walking Poppy and Ty home from school...

Lots of time at the playground...

Sammy's playdate with my friends from work...

The view outside my kitchen door as soon as the weather starts getting nice...

 We decided to make some festive cupcakes for pizza thursday...
Wondering what the green stuff is?  1 cup of applesauce blended with 4 cups of baby spinach.  Mix it with a box of cake mix and you get...
 green cupcakes!
  Decorated by a pro...

I'm not usually one to cut corners with desserts and I was worried these would be gross, but nobody could tell they weren't regular cupcakes!  
I'm serious!  They were yummy!

Playing with cousins at pizza thursday...
Yes, that is Marc hanging upside down from the monkey bars...


Too cool for the sun to get in his eyes... 

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