We celebrated my mom's birthday this week...

It was a team effort to blow out all those candles, but they got the job done!
We celebrated Valentine's Day today, because tomorrow is Korean New Year. Poppy helped me make a pink heart-shaped cake and then Marc made us a special Valentine's dinner of scallops and pasta. Mmmmm! We did manage to go out to "play" in the snow for a little bit today. Poppy was more interested in taking a walk on the nice clean sidewalks and didn't really want too much to do with the actual now itself. And the snow was not the right kind for making a snowman, but Marc still made an effort. Apparently Poppy was not too impressed with the results...
And we didn't have time to go to the sledding hill, so we brought a hill to our house...

She wasn't too impressed by that either. She took one trip down the 'hill' and said, "I just want to go home!"
And as promised, here is a little update about our Little Miss...
She is absolutely obsessed with Snow White. Everytime she sees a church or a building with a steeple, she yells "That's where Snow White lives!!!" Oh, she is just going to pee her pants when she sees the real princess castle at Disney in a few months. And all day long she tells me and Marc, "You be the evil witch, you be the prince, I be Snow White, ok?!" And then I have to pretend to give her a poisonous apple and then she pretends to fall asleep and Marc kisses her and then she pops her eyes open and starts giggling uncontrollably. We have to do that about 100 times a day. But we all love doing it!
She is still in love with Lola. When Lola tries to snuggle in bed with us, she loves to point out Lola's anatomy for me. "Lola has 2 eyes, 1 nose, lots of teeth, but she doesn't brush her teeth so she has stinky breath, 2 ears, 2 paws and 2 paws and a tail!" And if she sees that Lola wants a bite of whatever Poppy is eating, she politely tells her, "Lola, you a dog. You only eat dog food and eggs, I'm sorry but you can't have this". (we let her put her leftover eggs in Lola's dog food in the morning.) Oh, and she's all about the manners. This morning was my turn to sleep in (Marc and I take turns sleeping in on the weekends). And I was really taking my time sleeping in this morning, so Poppy finally comes in my room and gives me a kiss to wake me up and then gives me my cell phone and says, "I gave you your phone momma, now say 'Thank you Poppy!' and you gonna get out of bed now?"
This girl absolutely loves dancing. We're still doing mommy and me dance class once a week, and all she wants to do all week long is practice her dance moves. Loves, loves, loves to do her dance routine.
Ratty is still the love of her life, but she has declared that daddy and I are her best friends. Awwww.
She talks about her baby brother or baby sister all the time. Anyone that knows Poppy in real life, knows that 'sharing' isn't a strong point for her. Like, it's bad how badly she does not want to share anything with anyone, ever. And when this baby comes home and she realizes that she is going to have to share us for the rest of her life, I don't think it's going to go over very well. BUT, she has been spontaneously volunteering to share things with her baby sis/bro lately, which is just a shocker to us. The other day she was playing with a page of stickers and she always has to use up every single sticker on a page, every time. But all of a sudden, she stopped when there were half of the stickers left and said, "I think I should maybe save these stickers for my baby sister. When baby sister comes home she can play with these stickers. I'm gonna put them right up here so they stay safe for my baby sister, she's gonna play with them." You should have seen the look of shock on our faces. And she's said that a couple times since then about various things she's been playing with! Yay for sharing!
About a year ago, we got this hand-me-down Thomas the train set from a friend, and I can tell you that she has played with these trains every.single.day. It amazes me how interested in trains she is. And the number one name she has for the baby is "Baby Percy" pronounced Pewcy, after her favorite train of them all.

And in belly baby news - we should find out the gender in the next couple of weeks. I can't wait!!! It's so hard to even think of names or nursery ideas when you don't know if it's a boy or a girl!
We'll be celebrating Korean New Year tomorrow, I hope to have some cute pics of Poppy in her hanbok to post!