Poppy goes pee-pee on the potty! A couple of posts ago, I mentioned we were having diaper dilemmas. The dilemma was that any type of diaper we tried was leaking. Apparently it was because she was holding her pee, and going all at once. So after being tired of getting peed on all day and having to do multiple outfit changes, I decided to get out her potty and stick her on it. The very first time I put her on it, she went! So now for the past 2 weeks, she has been going pee 4x a day. But we're not really "potty training", it's more of just me knowing when she is about to go pee and sticking her on the potty (while she plays with my empty make-up containers). Then yesterday while I was rinsing out her little potty, she was wandering around the bathroom leaving little brown nuggets everywhere! Gross, I know. But then today, she went number 1 and number 2 in her potty!!! The look on her face was priceless. She looked down at what was in the potty and acted like it was gonna come out and bite her. She jumped off the potty and gave me the sign for "all done". It was hysterical. Sorry if that's too much information, but I said that now we're password protected I don't have to worry about what I say here! Anyways, this is such a weird situation because she knows what to do on the potty, but she's still not communicating with us (other than grunting when she sees food, and a few sign language signs we've shown her) so it's impossible to ask her is she has to go potty. Maybe I should learn the sign for potty and try using that? Oh, I was so not prepared for this so soon.
What can I say, this girl loves to accessorize.