Not too much going on around here today. We went shopping this morning and stopped at Borders to pick up a few books. I love going to bookstores. I could easily spend an entire day in a bookstore. And I have brought Poppy with me a few times before and as long as I give her a book to carry around, she is usually pretty content to shop around with me for a little while. Well apparently my days of leisurely perusing the aisles are over. She was an absolute lunatic! Literally running up and down the aisles, grabbing books as fast as she could, screaming and running even faster if I tried to catch her. I was getting crazy dirty looks from every employee there and I was sweating as I tried to get my books and get the heck out of there.
We pretty much just laid low and hung out around the house for the rest of the day...

"Open mama! Open!!!"

"Fill her up!"
haha...the bookstore is utter hell for me too!
i used to loooove to walk through the aisles of barnes and nobles. but no more:)
oooohhhhh, I'm so there with you and Emily. Not just bookstores for us...anywhere in PUBLIC! It's getting really hard! Ed and I said we wouldn't back down because we want her to learn how to act (unlike friends who can't take their kids anywhere)...but somedays, I could really throw in the towel!
um, yeah. that totally sounds familiar. book store... grocery... library... you name it, Olive yanks it off the shelves in about a half-second.
sounds very familiar - it's all fun and games until you get asked to leave!!
Oh, you ladies are scaring/depressing me... this is what I have to look forward to?! I hope we never have two months straight of rain when Spencer reaches that stage!
Yes, you are scaring me too. I can sooo see Colin terrorizing everyone by running around like a mad man pulling books off the shelves. Mr. Grabby has to touch everything right now and it makes me nuts! I dread the check out at Wegmans eVERYTIME. (He is touching the keyboard right now as you can see!)
I hate that feeling, when your sweet little angel is freaking out and everyone is staring and you get all sweaty!! I am sure everyone looked over and saw how adorable Poppy is and they gave her a free pass :)
Oh, and did I mention he was saying, "Hi-YA" super loud to the cadavers?
We brought Brendan to the Body World thing at the Science Museum last Saturday. Well it said "under 2 free" and not NO KIDS. Let's just say you could hear a pin drop in there until we arrived. Brendan was in his stroller yelling "DA...DA" super loud. It was really embarrassing but we paid $30 and I wasn't about to leave! I wish they would've made it NO KIDS and saved us the embarrassment.
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