{talking to dada on the phone while watching The Little Mermaid after nap}
So we have some very good news and some very traumatizing news to share on the potty training front. I'll start with the good. We no longer use the timer at all because she tells us when she has to use the potty and her underwear stayed dry all day today- including during her 4 hour nap ordeal (2 of the 4 hours were spent singing and playing in her room when she should have been sleeping).
And if you have a weak stomach, you might just want to skip this next part: I think she's been having anxiety about pooping on the potty. She's only been going every other day, which is very unusual for her, and when she does have to go poop, it turns into a long ordeal that involves about 20 trips back and forth to the potty before she finally goes. So we basically just let her do her thing and take her time and we try to not make a big deal out of it. When Marc got home from work today, she said she had to go poop, and so the ordeal began of running to the potty, taking her underwear off, not wanting to put them back on, getting off and on the potty, taking a break to go play, etc. So at one point, I was in the kitchen doing the dishes, Marc was upstairs and Poppy was playing on the first landing of our stairs (sans undies). And then we heard "Oh no! Poop!!!! Poooop!!!" By the time Marc saw her at the top of the stairs, there was a trail of poop (including one big poop) going up the stairs. He rushed her to the potty and called for me. I made my way through the staircase of poop and went to the bathroom to clean her up while Marc went back to the stairs to clean the poop up. But when he got to the stairs (literally 2 seconds later), the poop was gone. And Lola was sitting at the top of the stairs licking her chops. I seriously thought Marc was going to start crying. And I have felt nauseous ever since. And Lola is acting like she just had a feast. And from now on, we're going to make sure Poppy keeps her undies on.
On a much lighter note, this is how Poppy was walking around the house this morning:

She's carrying a shopping bag, Baby Doll, and she put her camera (or her 'cheese' as she likes to call it) in her underwear. Smart and resourceful.
Oh. My. God. Is all I have to say about the Lola part of this post. We have a dog, too, and it's just amazing how completely disgusting dogs can be sometimes. WOW.
Other than that, congrats on the potty training front and I love the "cheese" in the undies. And again, I just have to say that Poppy is cute in EVERY photo!
Oh. My. Oh my!!! I'm *crying* I'm laughing so hard. Doug just came running into the room thinking something was wrong and all I could do was say "poop...stairs...dog..." (to which he ran off to inspect _our_ stairs) Which just made me laugh harder! Who knew potty training could be so funny?!
And the camera in her "elmo-wear" - priceless!
I really have to chuckle at that with Lola, because my Lucy (now deceased) was a poop eater. Granted, her feasts were always of the dog poop variety, but I have no doubt whatsoever that if presented with the opportunity to eat human poop she would have been all over it. It was so gross, and I was always very thankful that she was not a dog that gave kisses or licked much, so her mouth never came near my face or hands. But, oh my. What a story for you to tell for years to come!
Oh My God! I'm laughing so hard! I'm not sure if you remember, but shortly after we brought Ella home last summer I put her down for a nap in only a diaper (it was really hot)...when she alerted me she was awake, I went in to find poop smeared all over her and her crib. Poop on the floor...you name it. As I was cleaning it up, our dog did the SAME THING! Ahhhh, the memories! Just think, it will be a REALLY good story to tell her when she's like 16!
Oh! I am seriously laughing out loud. Hey - at least cleanup was easier, right?
Though I'm sorry to hear about the nap war. You know I feel your pain :)
Thanks, I needed a good laugh. :)
Oh my God that's disgusting! *LOL* Well I suppose at least you didn't have to clean it up. So gross.
I'm glad Poppy is doing so well at toilet training. The last photo is priceless! Love that she calls the camera "cheese".
Love it!!! I agree, at least you didn't have to clean it up. Too funny about the nap too, Claire has been doing the same thing lately! Love the last picture! I hope we have as much luck with the potty training. Is Poppy feeling any better?
That is so gross-OH LOLA! So much for the new carpet! The pic is hilarious-love the camera. Now, if they just made undies with pockets! idea?
My thought for that is Nastarado - a favorite from the college days. Don't worry though I will love Lola just the same!
ahhhhhh! oh. that made me laugh. lola!!!! i can totally see rosie doing that. what is the obsession that dogs have with poop? and poppy - love that look!!! what a big girl using the potty!
Congrats on the potty training and having a dog that cleans up for you too. Gross but hilarious! We were laughing so hard (at your expense) while reading this.
Love the underwear being used as storage. Handy.
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