It's been one year since we became a family of 3. The most amazing, fulfilling, emotional, exciting year of my life. A day without Poppy in it is simply unimaginable.
We went to our usual restaurant of choice, The Koreahouse, for dinner. I've never in my life seen Poppy eat as much food as she did tonight. Crazy girl.

And then we always manage to go to this awesome bakery down the street for dessert. I got my usual apple pie and Poppy said she needed one of each item in the window, but settled for this massive chocolate cupcake...
I had every intention of having an awesome video recapping our first year together, but, well, I'm still working on it. Soon though.
Yay! What a fantastic year. And a great way to celebrate!
Happy Family Day!!!
Happy Family Day! And holy cow, that is quite the cupcake!
Happy Family Day!!
That's one impressive cupcake there! (Why do I feel like Poppy and I are going to get along splendidly?)
Are we going to need tissues for said video?! Wait, why do I even ask that???
Happy Family Day! Wow... a year already. How time just cruises by when you are having fun.
Is this your first video? I cannot recall ever seeing one. You are using a Mac I hope.
I can't believe that it has been a year already!!! YAY! I can't imagine Poppy not being here! Wow, looking back.....everything worked out soooo perfectly :) Someday it will all be in our book ;)
Happy Day! Nice way to celebrate. I'm drooling over the Korean food + super-sized cupcake! You guys are all very blessed.
Awww - happy family day!! The Poppy-sized cupcake looks delish!! Please tell me you put a bib on her to protect that beautiful little outfit?!
I still get teary remembering you shouting down the hall "I'm a mom" when you found out about Poppy... A wonderful moment! I love that you cherish every event...the trying ( shopping with a toddler and poop on the stairs) and the wonderful ( picking raspberries , her "gorgeousness" and giant cupcakes). Yes, you are my dear ....a MOM!
WOW! Isn't it crazy that's been a year? I remember how blown away I was when I read your blog and that she was coming home! How exciting. Happy one wonderful year together!
I can't believe it has been a year. Congrats on Family day.
What an amazing cupcake. :)
happy one year together. i have never even met yall, but i cant imagine miss poppy not being in your family. just perfect the way it all works out.
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