Friday, July 10, 2009

It was finally hot enough to go in our little pool today!  It took me all morning just to get this teeny tiny pool blown up and then I filled it up with water, which then had to warm up a bit in the sun.  Poppy finally gets in and decides that she doesn't want to get her bathing suit wet.  "No mama!  Stay dry!!!"  So she stood outside of the pool taking small cups of water out of the pool and dumping them into Lola's water bowl.  After 20 minutes of this, I finally splashed her little bathing suit with water to show her that it could get wet, and as you can imagine, she was not happy.  So when I went to take her picture, she was trying her hardest to be mad at me and not look at me and not smile...




saintlouisfricks said...

Those inflatable pools are brutal. It took both Adam and me at least an hour to get it all the way up. WHEW! Tell Poppy she doesn't pull "angry" off at all. She looks so beautiful in these pics, with her little rosy cheeks :)

emily said...

poppy, that face scares me!
what do you mean 'just got hot enough'..i need to move.
it is flippen 100 degrees here in NC!

sarah said...

Mabye she will go in next week at my house! Peer pressure is always good to get them to do something!

Chandra said...

Wish we had your weather! It's been hot enough here since before summer started!

Poppy can't pull off angry, still too adorable.

Natalie said...

I hate it when we spend tons of time to get everything ready for a GREAT idea that is going to be SOOOO fun and then the kids just aren't into it!! You just want to scream "this is going to be soo fun and you are gonna love it!!!" Love the "mad face" by the way!!!

bouquarc said...

I love how your fellow blogger's want our weather! LOL. Nobody ever wants our weather. But we have great summers and Poppy is so cute sitting there "pretending" to be mad at you! I love how she gives clear direction to Brendan (and he listens) LOL.

Christine said...

Poppy, I think you need to try a little harder to "look angry!" This is still waaaaayyyy to cute!

We just had the first "pool" day here yesterday as well - and I think I may be returning it.

Christa said...

I forgot to mention that you didn't show us the pool! All that work you did, you should post a photo.

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