Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Did you get out and





img_2865We're all feeling pretty hopeful at our house tonight.  And Poppy is really looking forward to seeing a big "change" in this country she now calls home.  Fingers-crossed!


emily said...

love the cupcakes:) GO OBAMA!

Chandra said...

Unfortunately I haven't completed my citizenship ceremony yet so I couldn't vote, but Poppy looked awfully cute on voting day! Those cupcakes look delicious, hope Poppy's candidate wins!

Natalie said...

YAY!! So adorable!! The cupcakes are great!!! Our little democrat! I love that kid!!! Can't wait to see her again and get some more sweet Poppy kisses! And see her dance some more to a little Kanye West!!

Jenna said...

chocolate cupcakes and obama...throw in a few beautiful doesn't get any better, does it?

Tammy said...

LOVE IT>>>>way to go Amanda, another Obama Mama!

Amy said...

You know you have too much time on your hands when you make voting cupcakes :). I just caught up on the blog and I can't believe how big she is getting. Miss you bunches and can't wait to see you both again!

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