Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentiney Fun

Check out these adorable valentine's Poppy passed out this year...

We've been up to our eyeballs with cookies lately.

I was going to attempt to write little messages on the hearts to make them look like conversation hearts, but by the time I got done frosting them I was so over it.

Heart shaped brownies for dessert on top of all of the chocolate Marc gave me and Poppy for Valentine's Day...

Poppy worked very hard to make Sam and Marc valentines today...
She had me write this verbatim on the back of Marc's card:

Dear Daddy,
I really do love you.  Will you be my valentine?  Sammy did not cry at all today.
Love, Poppy

My three valentines... Lola.  She'll always be my valentine.

Did you know that Marc and I had our first official date on Valentine's day?  10 years ago today!  We met when we were both working at the same restaurant (he was a server and I was the hostess) and we both were going to Buffalo State College.  We were good friends for a while and we would hang out together after work or meet up between classes for lunch.  And then Marc claimed he needed to take an extra class, so he signed up for a lit. class with me (that had nothing to do with his major) and we did a whole lot of flirting with each other when we were supposed to be reading Farenheit 451.  And then he asked me out to dinner on Valentine's day, but made it seem like it was still "just as friends".  He picked me up in his little red Honda accord and I can still remember the exact outfit I was wearing.  We went out for sushi and spent the evening drinking lots of wine and talking about how we would love to go to Europe together someday.   Needless to say, we became "more than friends" after our valentine's day date.  A few months later, we did take our trip to Europe together.  A few years later we got married.  And now Poppy and Sam.  It's been an incredible 10 years together, can't wait to see what the next 10 hold for us...


Elizabeth Frick said...

I LOVE knowing the details of your first date.
I also love that we share V-day as anniversaries with our honeys.
And I extra love all the ADORABLE things you guys have made! I'm so jealous of your ability to make such cute things to share with others. If only I had the time... and talent.

Michelle said...

You are really are delving into more of YOU and I love it. Love that pic of Lola and fyi, Colin and Poppy DEFINITELY are related. Looking more and more alike.

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

OK - LOVE Poppy's valentines! LOVE the cookies! (YUM!) And *adore* the photo of your three valentines. But my favorite part was hearing about your first date... Loved reading all the little tidbits!

Now, how do you find all this time to bake with TWO kids?! Please tell.

Krista said...

Love those vintage cards - I think I may have given those same designs out back in the 80s...
Love those cookies - so professional!
Love your first date story - so sweet!

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