Sunday, February 13, 2011

Curling, etc.

Last weekend we headed up to Canada for our annual night of Curling!  Actually, Marc and I took the last few years off, so we were a little rusty with our skillz at first...

But after a few rounds, we were able to dominate.  We even managed to come in as finalists, but we lost in a rock throwing competition at the end.
 {half of "Team Hosers"}
You know what they say, "A family that curls together, stays together."
And then at pizza Thursday this week there were a few fires that needed to be put out. 
 Good thing Fire Marshall Marrano was there...


Yesterday was the annual Buffalo Powder Keg Winterfest.  It was a wee bit too chilly for me and Sam, so Marc and Poppy put on their layers and headed out together.
 {Where there's hot chocolate, there's Poppy.}

The most exciting part for Poppy was the horse-drawn carriage ride.  She was very excited to tell me all about the big huge horses she saw.
Everyone is napping now, and I'm thinking about doing the same.  Then we'll spend the rest of the day getting ready for Valentine's day...


Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with the curling! Go you!

And, is that Poppy's H&M scarf?!

Michelle said...

Curling looks awesome and YOU look super serious!

Jen said...

You look fantastic!! Jeremy followed the curling AVIDLY on the olympics...maybe we need to try this next year when we're in NY for Christmas :)

Krista said...

I haven't curled in AGES! Love the lumberjack shirts - bet they were warm!

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