Tuesday, August 25, 2009


After much anticipation, Poppy finally got to meet her new cousin, baby Louis, yesterday.  All day long she kept asking if we were going to "Baby Youeee" yet, and kept asking where Aunt Jessica's (aka Je-uh) baby was.  And then we get there and she could care less about him, and the only thing she was concerned with was what he had hiding under his blankie.



Tonight we stopped by this cute little children's concert at a nearby school.  Poppy was digging the music, but I'm pretty sure the ice cream was the real highlight for her.


Chowing down on her superman ice cream sucker, or in Marc's words "the worst choice in ice cream ever."



Christine said...

Looks like fun times! :-)

saintlouisfricks said...

Those are some pretty strong words there, Marc. ;)
Adorable baby cousin and great pics, Amanda!

Natalie said...

Baby Louie is soooo cute! What a beautiful baby! I don't think there is a such thing as a "bad ice cream" choice :)

Claire cannot stop talking about seeing Poppy tomorrow :)

Chandra said...

Haha, love the photo of Poppy peeking under his blanket. Too funny.

Your nephew is beautiful! Congrats to your family on the new addition.

Margaret said...

Oh my, from yelling at seagull to peach pick/eating, she cracks me up.. she truly is a character and I love her. Amma

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