3 years. 3 years have gone by in the blink of an eye. I know it's so cliche, but seriously. This little baby of mine is trying to be all grown up, but I won't let him. I want to keep him trapped in his little body with his chubby cheeks and legs, wild blonde hair and crooked smile. Even when he is being the stubborn little boy that he is, I just want him to stay like this forever.
When I was pregnant with Sam, as soon as I found out it was going to be a boy, all of my friends with boys told me how special my relationship with him would be. How snuggly and lovey he would always be with me. And I am so glad to say, it's completely true. He is all boy from the minute he wakes up- he wants trucks, dirt and trouble-making. But he always has time to drop his toys and mischief for hugs and kisses and "I love you all day mommy" and snuggles galore.
One of Sam's favorite foods to eat is Korean dumplings, homemade only. So the day of his birthday party, Poppy was happy to oblige and whipped out about a hundred dumplings for her brother and cousins to eat.
Back in the olden days, for Marc's 30th birthday, I came across a picture of this chocolate pyramid shaped cake filled with gold foil chocolate coins and treasure and knew I had to make it for him. Obviously those were the pre-children days when spending hours making a silly birthday cake were no big deal. Well fast forward almost 10 years and we were telling the kids about that magical cake and ever since then, Sam has been asking when he will get to have a chocolate cake that is filled with golden chocolate treasure. With a little added pressure from Marc, I finally succumbed and dug out the recipe for the chocolate pyramid cake. My mom, Poppy and I spent Sam's entire naptime creating this masterpiece and it lived up to every expectation in the eyes of Samuel Marrano.
In addition to stuffing ourselves with dumplings and chocolate cake, there was plenty of swimming to be done on Sam's birthday. This kid (and his sister) live to be in the water.
Earlier that day, at her swimming lesson, Poppy finally learned how to swim underwater. She is in heaven now that she can jump into the pool and not have to worry about getting water up her nose.
Having a bunch of cousins that love the water just as much make it even more fun. Having a goof-ball for a dad is the icing on the cake...And then on Sam's actual birthday, of course we had to have an ice cream cake with more celebrating...
Words can't begin to describe the joy this little stinker brings to our family. Even though I hate the thought of how quickly time is going by and how fast he is growing up, I do love to see his mischievous little personality develop. He loves his sister. He loves to tease her and he loves to do sweet things to make her happy. He loves trains, construction vehicles and basically anything with a motor. He is curious about EVERYTHING. He loves books and learning new things. And I love everything about him. Happy 3rd birthday to my favorite little boy in the whole world.
Yay!! You're back!!!!!! Thank God! Happy birthday Sam! I remember the day you were born and you interrupted my lunch date with your Mom!! I cannot believe that was three years ago!
Happy Birthday Sam!
Happy THIRD Birthday Sam!!!
Just caught up on your posts! Such a sweet one of little Sam!!
Thanks dear for sharing these cute birthday party pictures. I will definitely follow some of the ideas for my own daughter’s upcoming birthday bash that we have been thinking to host at the local outdoor venue NYC. I might use the sunshine theme for this party.
It sounds like Sam had a wonderful birthday celebration.
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