Sunday, March 4, 2012

Crafty playdate...
Mix equal amounts of glue and shaving cream.  Let the kids paint or sculpt their masterpiece and then they can add sequins, buttons, sea shells and little plastic babies.  When it dries, the shaving cream stays puffy because of the glue.  And clean up is super easy!

 This was the first craft that Sammy was really into...
 The final masterpieces...


My kitchen helpers...

Two clean babies after a bath...
I chopped Sam's hair off while he was in the tub last night.  He just needed a little trim, but not enough for a real haircut, so I totally thought I could just do it myself.  It turned out really bad.  Hoping it grows back fast!

Movie night!  Mary Poppins! 


Michelle said...

Sam is looking super intense doing his craft. I must admit, he looks like he kept things pretty neat and tidy doing it also. Great idea!

Christa said...

Brendan did that shaving cream project in school and I hung it in the kitchen. The next day, I came home to an empty house (by myself) and was convinced there was a man (or serial killer) in my house. I knew I smelled a man! After I sniffed around looking for him (the non-existent man)...I realized it was the shaving cream project hanging on the wall!
PS-I think Sammy's hair looks adorable.

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

That is such a fabulous craft idea! I love easy clean up too!

I think Sammy's hair looks good! No? (I do know that it could be worse in person though... I tried to cut S's hair when he was young and it was a disaster too!)

Krista said...

Must try that craft! Cool!
(and Christa's comment is hilarious!)

Whitney said...

I'm a freelance writer working an article for about crafts for kids and I'd like to feature the shaving cream/glue project you blogged about here. I'll need permission to use your photos, but I'll link back to your page. Please let me know ASAP if this is OK with you, as I'm on a tight deadline. If you approve, please email me at, and mention the name of your blog in the email. Thanks so much!

Bisexual Bend said...

This is aa great blog

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