Thursday, December 8, 2011

Poppy's piano debut

Poppy is still doing awesome with her piano lessons.  Just a few weeks ago she went from learning little songs on just one hand, to her first real song using both hands.  The first week trying to learn this song was rough.  But one day something just clicked and she figured out how to do it.  She absolutely amazes me.  Especially because I have been practicing this song just as long as she has, and I can't even come close to playing it.  

My favorite part is that she absolutely loves playing!  She loves practicing!  Almost every single time she walks by the piano, she stops to play a quick song.  And Sam is not far behind her with his love of the piano either, I'll have to post one of his videos soon...


dana said...

what a little star!!

Krista said...

ok - if she is this good now... imagine in a few years!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Wow! My jaw is on the floor!!! She rocked that!

Natalie said...

Seriously!?!?! That was AMAZING!!! Poppy is sooo talented!!

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