Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the ice cream truck

The following is a scene that happens quite frequently around here.  The ice cream truck typically comes down our street anytime between 3 and 4:00 every day, which happens to be right when these two wake up from their nap.  

So Poppy grabs her change purse and gets into position to wait...

 and wait...

 and wait...

 "Mom, shouldn't he be here by now?!"

 "My sister is so silly for waiting like this every day!"

 Then the whining begins.  "Mom, I don't think he's coming today."

And then he comes and she practically throws her money at him... 

And she orders the same Dora ice cream every time (because of the gumball eyes).  And you would think I would have taken a picture of her eating her ice cream, but after all that waiting, she was sooo not in the mood for any more pictures.  And that is what happens almost every afternoon at our house!


kristin said...

ohmigoodness... she is adorable! talk about miss independent! i love the shot of her giving him her money... so sweet. :)

Michelle said...

Great capture! I love the bedheads both of them are sporting too.

Elizabeth Frick said...

Love. This. Post!!! The cutest!

Natalie said...

I absolutely love this post!!!! I love Poppy's face while she waits! And Sam laughing is perfect!!!!!!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Poppy's expressions though the post are absolutely hysterical! As is the chuckle by Sam. Love it!

Krista said...

Ice cream trucks! I was thinking they were only in the movies! I haven't seen one in years! Enjoy the ice cream Poppy!

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