Monday, October 19, 2009

more choo-choo's!

This girl is all about trucks, buses and CHOO-CHOO'S!  She could play with her thomas train set for hours, and Marc showed her a train video on his computer once, so now she asks for that video everytime she sees his computer.  On Sunday, daddy took Poppy for another train ride (this time to see the fall foliage).




Can you tell, she takes her trains very seriously.


I have felt like garbage all weekend.  Actually, I felt like I got hit by a truck.  All the typical flu symptoms, and the flu has been running rampant through my school all week.  Marc was out of town Friday/Saturday, so when I woke up Saturday morning with a fever, I had my parents come and pick up Poppy so that I didn't get her sick.  I've been trying to stay away from her all weekend, which is sooooo hard!  I swear, I think she got even cuter during the 24 hours that she was at my parents.  When she came home, she could tell that I didn't feel good, so she came up to me and put her arm around my shoulder, rested her head on my shoulder and patted my back.  Could she be any sweeter?  Anyways, I just got back from the doctor, and they said I have the dreaded H1*N1.  But I'm feeling better and my fever is going down, and they said that family members that are exposed to it would typically show symptoms within 48 hours of my first symptom, so I'm really hoping we're in the clear over here.  Marc has quarantined me to my bedroom (he moved himself out and set up camp in the spare bedroom) and is the official germ nazi.  The only thing that's worse than how I feel is having to stay away from Poppy, and the fact that I have been stuck in bed for 3 days and I am bored out of my mind!!!!


Kelly Cole said...

Ugh, that's terrible! Feel better and hopefully the germ nazi did his job and they'll be fine.

Christine said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear that you have _that_.

Uhm, can I get three days in bed please?! ;-)

And BTW - if Spencer gets wind of Poppy's obsession with trucks and trains, he may fall hard for her. :-)

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness Amanda! I hope you feel better soon! Where was the train ride, that looks like fun! I hope you are feeling better by Saturday, looking forward to getting together!


Christa said...

Did they actually do a swab for H1N1? Just curious. Hope you feel better!

Chandra said...

Oh no!!! So sorry to hear you have the flu. I hope you get to love on your little girl soon.

Tammy said...

oh no...feel better.

jenna said...

Oh...the first of my blog buddies to get it :( so sad. we're just waiting here...blah...bound to happen, right? ed's boss has it and being in a school...inevitable. hope you're feeling better soon!

Margaret said...

Just saw the beautiful train ride pics. Thank God for Daddy!. Hope you are feeling better. She was fine at my house for dinner. No sniffles. Hope you enjoyed the little lunch.

Marylou said...

Oh man! Feel better soon! Scotty LOVES Thomas the Train too:0)

dana said...

oh no!!! i hope you feel better soon.

klarobinson215 said...

Oh boy...

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