And here is how we spent our time waiting for daddy to come home this week...

And this is the highlight of Poppy's mornings - claiming her loot from the advent calendar...

Oh, and remember the jelly window clings that Poppy is playing with in her "19 month" post? Um, I found one of the red ornament clingys in her poop yesterday. Can I get my award for the "worst mom ever" now?
And speaking of her 19 month post, I did manage to remember a few more things she is doing this month -
She's still BFF's with Lola, but suddenly she's all bossy and her favorite thing to do is tell Lola to "STAY!" and "DOWN!".
Poppy also insists on saying "toot toot" whenever she farts. Including in the middle of the night when she appears to be asleep.
And just in the past couple of days, she loves to sit on the couch staring at our Christmas tree and I sing her a pathetic made up version of "O Christmas Tree" and whenever I stop singing, Poppy says, "Ohhhhh, teeteeteetee, ohhhhh, teeteetee." (which is her attempt at saying "O Christmas Tree).
And here she is telling me I better start singing to her in front of her beloved tree...

I'm not sure what my favorite part of the post was...her finger up the nose (we have a few of those too), the toot toot in the night, or maybe the ornament in the poop. I'm cracking up over here! Thanks for reminding me to do my post placement report too. Gotta get that done...now!
Way to funny, all of it... I have caught Ava trying to eat those "gummy" snowman pieces myself, I haven't found any in her poop yet! That last picture is so cute and I just love the nose picking, so classic.
Adorable!! Great pics! I love the second one - so sweet. Also, how fun is her "fort"?! I really think that you should use the one where she is picking her nose for your Christmas card!
Ok, love the photos - very cute. Quite the character, that girl of yours! Ugh, we're trying to complete our adoption in January too. We should celebrate together! And Adam and I both love the "toot toot". Hilarious! Hang in there, the holidays are nearly over! :)
ahh, love it all!!!
Is that Poppy's Fort? Too cute. I forgot to ask you how her new bed is doing? How's the sleeping going?
Oh PS - we have the same Asian baby doll! Even though the headband is looooong gone.
Oh Amanda....I have two little boys who almost peed their pants after seeing and listening to your most recent post. Picking, Poo, Tooting... I think Poppy's the girl of their dreams!
Oh my I love the photos of Poppy in her playhouse waiting for Daddy. Too cute!
Love all the updates about your cutie, she just keeps getting more adorable!
P.S. Did you get my email about our old agency?
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