Thursday, December 4, 2008

Babushka Baby



Little Miss has a nasty cold.  Unfortunately Marc is out of town until tomorrow and we ran out of Puffs Plus, so I had to bundle her up like a little Babushka and head out to the store.  Actually, once we got outside we realized that it wasn't even really that cold out, but I had to snap a picture before I de-Babushka'd her. 

Luckily, she has finally learned how to blow her nose and that makes a world of a difference.  I do however, still need to wipe her nose about 1000 times a day, and by the end of the day every time she saw me going for the box of tissues, she would run away yelling "All done!", but she's so stuffed up that it's sounds like "Awww doh!"   Poor baby.


saintlouisfricks said...

Poor girl(s)! She does look pretty darn adorable though!

saintlouisfricks said...

Poor girl(s)! She does look pretty darn adorable though!

Natalie said...

Poor baby! That picture is priceless!!!! I love that kid!!!!

Chandra said...

*L* Oh poor baby. That photo is hilarious, so glad you were the right kind of mom and documented it before removing the layers! Hope she feels better soon.

jenna said...

oh...bummer about her cold. that's the worst!

jenna said...

LOL. So cute!!!!

Carol said...

Miss Poppy Babushka looks like she needs a big warm fire and some hot cocoa. Sorry about her cold. Tis the season.

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