Can you guess where Poppy is?

If you guessed the new rainforest exhibit at the zoo, then you were right! She was absolutely obsessed with this bridge, she had to go back and forth a million times, holding up all of the other people that wanted to cross the bridge. She could have cared less about the enormous ant-eaters strolling around, or the monkeys flying right next to her, just wanted to cross the bridge. Oh, Poppy.
We've had a sick baby again this week. Which means no-one has gotten much sleep this week. Which means we've had a pretty boring week. She was finally beginning to seem back to her normal self this morning- keep your fingers crossed. Oh, but wait, I forgot about the teething. We've had 3 molars in the past 3 weeks and then guess what decided to pop up this morning? Molar # 4. Dear God, let this be it for a while. Poppy needs a break from the pain and discomfort they are obviously causing her and I need a break from the drool!
While we have been couped up in the house with runny noses all week, Miss Poppy has picked up a few new habits. Our favorite is her whistling. We are always whistling for Lola and earlier this week Poppy began making a noise that sounded like she was going to hyperventilate by rapidly breathing in and out of her mouth. And she kept doing it. Until finally she started to get a little whistle sound out of the hyperventilating. And so she now walks around the house clapping and whistling, looking for Lola. I'll try to get it on video because it just cracks us up everytime, but Poppy is definitely not one for doing anything on cue. The other new thing this week is her obsession with her little fingers and hands. They are constantly moving, trying to make her fingers snap, tapping her fingers to the beat of a song, waving constantly (especially when there is no one to wave to), doing sign language for her own entertainment, etc. We were in the car yesterday and the whole way home she played with her fingers like they were a new toy. And here are a few pics of the hour she spent sitting at the table with us reading the Sunday paper this morning. Totally content using her little fingers to point at each and every word and picture.

i cannot get over how cute she is... ugh. i can't stand it! :) i hope she (and you!) feel better soon.
I cant take it!!! She is adorable!! We have had some sick baby issues as well! I hate it when they are sick, the poor little mamas! Can't wait to see her! I miss you a ton!!!
I think everyone has been sick. We had it this past weekend and our noses won't stop running! I feel like you've dropped off the face of the earth, but considering all you have been going through with illness and sleeplessness...i don't blame you! We miss you guys. Hope to see you soon.
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