Monday, September 8, 2008

16 months

Our little Poppy has officially turned 16 months. Yikes! I know she is still a baby, but that just sounds old! And I can't believe how fast time flies with her! I'm sure I'll feel this way about her at every age, but 16 months is perfect - she is just so much fun, I wish she could stay this age forever. Here is a list of what our little 16 monther has been up to: (warning, this might get a little long because it's the first one)

Exploring - once she gets comfortable in someone's house or store or whatever, she is off to examine every nook and cranny. Everything has to be touched and inspected.

Signing - thanks to "Baby Signing Time" she is now signing: more, all done, potty, drink, food, banana, toothbrush, hot, and dog. She usually surprises us with a new one every couple of days. Tonight I asked Marc if he could get her milk ready and she immediately started signing milk! And both of our jaws drop each time because whenever we put the signing dvd's on, she doesn't even seem to pay attention, but apparently she does! And each morning can't begin until Poppy stands up on our bed and starts signing for Lola. When Lola hops up on our bed, her day can begin.

Potty training - we took a little break from this when she was sick, but now she will usually give me the sign for toilet if she is going to the bathroom, and as long as we are home and on schedule, she still goes on the potty 3 times a day.

Dancing - this girl has got rhythm! She just starts dancing as soon as she hears the slightest beat. We're starting 'mommy and me' music classes on Wednesday at the local community music school. She can't wait!

Talking - she still says "Mama" non-stop whenever she sees food that she wants. It's the cutest thing at first, but if you don't give her food fast, it can get pretty ugly. The only other thing she still says from Korea is "Ma", which is what she yells whenever she is looking for either me, Marc, or Lola. I was just thinking today I've got to catch it on video before she stops saying them. People are constantly asking if she says any English words yet. Does it count if she puts her finger up to her mouth (well actually in her mouth) and says "hush" when we get to the little old lady whispering hush in Goodnight Moon everynight?

Playing - she has very little interest in toys. She loves to pretend to read books, have books read to her, and just carry her books around. Her favorite things to play with are the tupperware containers and anything to do with water (watering can, Lola's water bowl, glass of water, etc.) and shoes (we could spend hours a day taking shoes on and off). She also loves to chase Lola around and try to pick her up (which Lola has made it clear that she does not want to be picked up by the little rugrat). And she has this uncanny ability to turn any object into a phone. A soup can, a credit card, a water bottle. You name it and it's up to her ear and she is deep in the middle of a conversation with someone!


Eating - she still LOVES to eat. Eggs, rice and tofu are still her staples, although she is usually pretty good about eating any meat we give her. She is getting a little picky about vegetables, and if we let her, she would eat fruit from the time she wakes up in the morning until she goes to bed (we call her our baby fruit bat). She still hates just about any typical "american" food, such as pizza, fries, spaghetti, etc. (you know, pretty much anything a typical toddler would love to eat).

She is still a huge snuggle bunny, which I absolutely love. She is getting better about not having to be held by me 24/7, but every couple of minutes she looks around for me and will need either a hug or to be picked up for a few seconds. We call this her "mommy re-charge". She still loves for one of us to carry her in the Beco baby carrier and a lot of the time she will end up falling asleep in it. We take a walk in the stroller at least once a day and she is always super laid back and always has to have one leg hanging over the side.

There are so many things about this little girl to love. She constantly has us cracking up and you just can't help but smile when she is in the room. It's hard to believe that she has only been with us for less than 2 months. And it's even harder to imagine our lives without her in it. Pure love.

...modeling the sweater Grandma made for her...

...sprinkler fun...


Chandra said...

Great update! Sounds like the perfect age. I love the she does the "hush" part in goodnight moon! Love that book. I'm glad to hear she's getting more comfortable but still loves to be held by you. She looks adorable in the sweater Grandma made for her.

I was interested to read about her learning the signing, I'm glad to read it is working well.

kristin said...

what a sweet baby girl! :) thanks for the update. it's great to see how well she's doing!

Heather said...

You'll look back on this post and be glad you wrote it. They change so much month to month; it is a great idea to keep up with all that she's doing. She has to be the sweetest little girl ever! I love the pictures you always post. (I loved your blog so much that I got the same company to update my blog look!)

Heather - mommy for Rocco - adopted from Vietnam on March 2007

Natalie said...

She is sooo smart! I knew it...I just knew she was going to be brilliant!!!! Love that sweater!!!!

emily said...

happy 16 months! i think signing is so stinking cute!

Jenna said...

Ahhh, she's just perfect. All 16 months of her! Sounds like she's doing wonderful. I love that she's signing so much...a girl after my own heart. Ella is doing a few signs here and there. Sounds like life is great!

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