Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday dinner

I had every intention of taking pictures of the finished product, which was absolutely delicious, but we all had a really light lunch that day and were starving by the time we got these raviolis on the table.

We've busted out the pasta maker a few times over the past few months.  It always surprises me how easy it really is to use.  Any yummy.  And Poppy loves being able to help out.  She eagerly scoops up any and all scraps and calls them her play-doh and makes her own "pasta".


Elizabeth Frick said...

color me completely impressed! wow. we haven't made homemade pasta since Olive came home. and YUM!!!

jen said...

what fun! I've only made pasta once...Morgan would love it!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

I had no idea there was an attachment for the kitchen aid that could do that!!! Hmmm...

I'm not only blown away by your mad ravioli skills... I'm super impressed with your hubs making pasta while wearing a baby! Whoa. That would have had disaster written all over it if it were me!

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