We're up to our eyeballs in sugar around here! First, we spent some time making our annual gingerbread house. Poppy was all about quality control with the candies...

Sam was the supervisor...
Then we got hit with a bit of snow earlier in the week, so Marc took Poppy to school on a sleigh. She was thrilled to say the least...

And today, it was all about making cookies. It was very serious business...

Again, she's all about quality control...
Sam had fun watching, wishing he could have a little nibble of cookie dough...

Check out this mobile Poppy and I made for Sam. We've been working on it for weeks and now it's finally done, just waiting for Marc to hang it over his crib. (oops, that reminds me, I still need to post nursery pics!)

I helped Poppy pick out the shapes from the craft store. We ended up with a few sheep so that he would have something to count while he's falling asleep, a star to wish on, a horseshoe for luck and a heart so that he knows he's loved. Then we painted them, added feathers and strung them up. And Sam
loves it!

After a break for naptime, it was back to our cookie making madness. Time for the frosting. It was so hard for Poppy to keep her fingers out of that frosting and to not gobble up all the cookies as she frosted them, but she did!

And this little cutie was drooling like crazy while he stared at all of the cookies. And btw, Sophie the Giraffe is the best infant toy, ever. He loves that thing!
Our masterpieces! Have you ever seen cookies this beautiful?! Poppy was so proud of herself. We had so much fun today!
Super cute! We've been a cookie factory around here too. Olive has not yet mastered the rolling pin, though, and required quite a bit of "guidance." And we're totally all about the QC around here :)
Oooh, traveling anywhere by daddy-drawn sleigh sounds AWESOME!
Gotta love holiday baking. Poppy looks like she runs a pretty tight ship! :)
The mobile is so cool! Good job. And the baking looks like so much fun!! The cookies look so good!! and Poppy is so serious about baking- love it!! And Supervisor Sam doesn't seem to take his job lightly either!!
love the mobile, love the cookies, love the pics and the sleigh ride to school. sometimes, i want to come live at your house...it looks way fun!
I seriously cannot get over Poppy's intensity. I love it! And I love the cookies... AND the mobile. That is awesome!
Well done Poppy! The cookies and the mobile! Fantatic!
And I can't help but giggle about Sam in his chair on the table - adorable!
Colin and Poppy are DEFINITELY related. The QC issue - check. Those cookies look amazing! Sleigh ride to school, does it get better than that?! Nope, don't think so.
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