What a whirlwind the past few days have been. We've been to so many parties that I lost count! I'm exhausted and my house is beyond trashed, but I just wanted to post a few pics before it gets too late...

Poppy displaying one of her favorite gifts from Santa - a tin of Curious George card games. Here's the story behind this present - Marc took her to the toy store in our neighborhood at least a month ago, if not longer. She looked all around the store and declared that she had to have these "george cards" for Christmas, and she picked out a pack of 4 gertie balls for Sam. When she wrote her letter to Santa, those were the only 2 things she asked for. Every time we went to see Santa over the past month, she only asked for those 2 things. Any time anyone asked her what she wanted for Christmas - "george games and balls for Sam". So of course I waited until the very last minute to actually go to the store to get these 2 items, and of course they were sold out of both of them. Marc actually had tears in his eyes when I told him. He decided that
Santa just couldn't let her down and luckily good ol' Amazon with express shipping came through for us and both gifts were delivered on Christmas eve and everyone lived happily ever after. (and as it turns out, she really does love playing the george card games and Sam really loves his gertie ball)

And this vintage re-make Fisher Price piano that Santa brought for Sam turned out to be Poppy's favorite part of Christmas. Both of them LOVE that thing.

This wooden duck rattle was at the top of Sam's favorite things list.

And this was the scene at the last party we were all at on the day after Christmas, right after each kid happily received a pillow pet. Love this picture!
And be warned - Marc got a flip video camera from Santa, so expect to see a ton of videos from now on!
That piano is so super awesome, I can't even stand it!
And the fact that Marc got teary when you couldn't find Poppy's wish toys... sigh. I would be the same way! Thank goodness for Amazon!!!
Amazon rules! As Elizabeth I declared on FB, we have an addiction. Would you like to join our AA group?
Wow, glad it all came together. How did we live before Amazon? Those smiles were worth all of the stress and uncertainty I'm sure.
So much awesomeness! And, please... bring on the video!!!!
So glad Santa found those cards! Even the big guy uses modern technology.
And yes - that piano rocks!
The piano! I was in that meeting when they were discussing bringing it back! And did you see the vintage milk cartons and record player too? Love those items. And how did the pillow pals go over? I saw those things EVERYWHERE and just assumed B would get one so I refrained from purchasing it. He didn't though!
What a great Christmas!!! While I still think Sam looks a lot like Marc, I am starting to see a little bit of your family in him!!!!
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