I'm still here, and still super duper pregnant. Less than 3 weeks until d-day!!! I have organized and cleaned every nook and cranny of this house, and I am officially done with nesting and just trying to spend as much quality time together as a family of 3. I have been loving every minute with Poppy lately. I think she really gets that I am pretty uncomfortable 90% of the time, and every day when it is just the two of us together, there is absolutely no whining, no mis-behaving, no threats to send her to time-out, she is really just loving our time together and being a huge helper to me. She is being so absolutely perfect lately, that it is really making me nervous that we are adding a baby to this mix!
Anyways, what have we been up to lately? Well we've been spending a ton of time at my parents. They have a pool which makes Poppy super happy, and they have AC which makes me super happy, so basically if we're not home, you can find us at Uma and Upa's house.
{She has been doing awesome in the swimming dept. lately - can't wait to start swim lessons in the fall!}
We also celebrated Marc's birthday and Poppy loved making some artwork for her daddy's present...
The other day we headed out to visit a friend and meet her new puppies, and then we were off to pick some blueberries near her house...
Got blueberries? Poppy's digestion system is still trying to recover from the amount of blueberries she ate that day.
And yesterday was our 2nd anniversary of the day we became a family of 3! So off to the Korea House we went so that Poppy could pig out on rice, jap chae and fishcakes! All of the people that work at this restaurant absolutely adore Poppy and are so excited that she is about to become a big sister.
And then of course we had to visit our favorite bakery for a chocolatey dessert...
We bought a new double stroller. Poppy was super excited to try it out. "I can sit here, baby brother can sit there, and then we can take a walk together as a family?"
Did I mention that we've been spending a lot of time at my parents house? So much that they had to put Poppy to work...

I love the updates on you, Marc and of course, Poppy...I have been thinking about you and the humidity. Hang in there and keep cool. :)
thinking of you... you'll love being a family of four! poppy sounds so sweet and i'm sure she'll be loving on her new baby brother every chance she gets! :)
Enjoyed the update. That is so great that you have been able to find some comfort and enjoyment this summer and appreciate the time you have left as a family of three.
It is fantastic that Poppy is rising to the occasion for you as well. I am sure she will do great when baby brother arrives.
I love the poolside tea party. And how hard she is concentrating on the painting for Daddy :)
Only 3 weeks to go?! WHOA!!!
So much to love in this update. She is just the sweetest and I couldn't be happier for you that she's just being a perfect angel these last few weeks! YAY!
i cant believe how close you are getting to baby #2!!!!!!!!! poppy is literally going to be the cutest big sis ever. cant wait to hear all she has to say about the new baby:)
Great update and holy blueberries! So glad you are getting some downtime before baby #2 arrives. Eek, I am so excited for you guys! Is that the Vibe stroller like we saw at DisneyWorld?
LOVE this update! The blueberry portion cracked me up. We have to seriously restrict those around these parts for exactly that reason. ;-)
Three weeks?! EEEEEK!
Couple things: 1. Claire has the same swim vest (old sames) , 2. that food looks delicious!!!, and 3. Poppy is sooo adorable!! Can't wait to see you guys!
You are one busy momma! I can't get over all those blueberries - yum! I'm behind on reading posts - so Congratulations on the birth of your boy!
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