Monday, May 3, 2010


Have I ever mentioned how much Poppy loves her dance class?  Loves it.  She also takes it very seriously.  Her eyes rarely leave her teacher.  And she gets annoyed with the other girls when they don't pay attention like she is.  Our big recital is coming up in a few weeks and she has been practicing non-stop at home.  I've been on modified bedrest for the last couple of weeks (due to a compressed nerve that is causing some serious pain in my legs) and taking a few weeks off of dance class was out of the question.  Luckily Poppy has the best dad in the world who has been rocking it out with the other moms in our "mommy and me" class.  Tonight I went with them to take a few pics...

Could she even be any cuter?!


Natalie said...

No, she could not be any cuter. And seriously, she is a really good dancer! She just has that natural grace, that some of other little girls lack (I can name one little girl in particular :) ). I love the picture of Claire totally watching Poppy to see what she does next!!!

And Poppy does have one awesome Daddy!!!!! He is super cute with her in class!!!

Christine said...

No, she could not be any cuter! My goodness, these pictures are so stinking cute! I want to just eat her up (that sounds much scarier than I mean it!) Love the little "bum out" shot... too funny!

saintlouisfricks said...

Sigh... I love her devotion to dance! And the daddy-and-me dancing is so heart-melting!!!
She looks so cute in all the photos.
(Sorry about the bedrest. Ugh.)

Christine said...

PS - I hope you are ok! I would not cope well with any sort of bed rest... hang in there!

jenna said...

Ok, she is the cutest thing in a tutu ever!!!!! She looks so sweet dancin' with her daddy.

Chandra said...

OMG she is SO adorable!!! And I love that Marc was willing to do her "Mommy" and me dance class with her.

Tammy said...

Simply adorable.....I love the one of her grabbing her ballet slipper. Precious.

( by the way...we miss you at work:( )

Michelle Oryl said...

First, I hope you are feeling better. It sounds like things may get worse in the pregnancy department before they get better. Ugh.

I love Poppy's devotion and dedication to dance and Marc being able to jump right in. Great hubby!

mostlymorgan said...

Poppy is the cutest little dancer--and I love that her Daddy comes to class so that she won't miss out. He sounds AWESOME.

Hope you're doing ok! Bed rest is about the only thing I haven't dealt with during pregnancy--what a tough thing to do with when you have a toddler!! Hang in there, my friend.

dana said...

i'm gonna sound like a broken record here but ... oh my goodness i can't take it!!! she is absolutely adorable and i admire her dedication!!! cannot wait to hear about and hopefully see pics of the recital!

Krista said...

Oh yes - you have a prima ballerina in your family! What a wonderful daddy!

Kelly Cole said...

Oh she is just the cutest! And definitely has the best daddy ever. Hope you are feeling ok ... I'm sure bed rest kinda sucks :(

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