Sunday, March 14, 2010


Saturday was the much-anticipated Elmo Live! at Shea's theater.  When we woke up on Saturday morning and we told Poppy where we were going, the first thing she said was "And we can get popcorn?!"  A girl after my own heart...

We met up with her daycare buddies, Brendan and Sophia. (the popcorn was a obviously a big hit with everyone)

When all of the characters came out on the stage, she said "Wow, there's a lot of people up there!".

Sitting on daddy's lap, big box of popcorn in her hands, Elmo singing and dancing for her - I'm pretty sure she was in heaven.


Christine said...

Even though I'm literally asleep on my feet, I had to click through when I saw this in my reader. It looks like her experience was much better than Spencer's was. :-)

saintlouisfricks said...

So, so cute! Glad she had fun. And popcorn.

Krista said...

Elmo Live?? That is the coolest! Even though I think Alex is a tad too young still - he would LOVE it. Next year perhaps! Then he might sit as still as Poppy.

mostlymorgan said...

oh yay! We're going Easter weekend--can't wait!

I hear you about the birthing class...ours was only 2 hours but it felt like a life time. I wouldn't blame you a bit for skipping it.

Michelle said...

Looks like fun but we have passed on the Elmo Live over here because I don't know if Colin would sit for it. Maybe if I add in the popcorn he would ;+)

jenna said...

so fun...she looks like such a doll with that big ol' box of popcorn! love it!

Carolyn said...

Amanda, I am in love with that picture, so cute. It was really the sweetest thing to see them all together there

lookingforlulu said...

cute, cute, cute. i think poppy likes her popcorn:)

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