Sunday, February 21, 2010

The hair-do of choice lately has been pigtails, which usually results in some awesome bedhead the next morning...

I had this past week off from school for winter break, and what a break it was!  Poppy and I had so much fun spending as much time as possible together and trying to not have too many plans to take up our time.  One of my only goals of the week was to write a nice update letter with pictures to Poppy's foster mother in Korea, but I didn't even get it started.  Hopefully I'll get it done this week...

Here's what we did end up doing this week-

We spent lots of time snuggling in the mornings and taking long afternoon naps.  Oh, how I love naptime!

We spent lots of time shopping for maternity clothes.  Ugh, how I hate maternity clothes.  Actually, I guess it's spending money on maternity clothes that I hate.  I've spent hundreds of dollars this week and I feel like all I have is about 3 outfits and a few t-shirts!  And to think that I only will be wearing these clothes for a few months and then probably never again seems like such a waste. But I found out the hard way last night just how necessary buying maternity clothes is...  So far I don't have much of bump, but things have definitely been getting increasingly snug around the waste-line.  But I've been glad to still be able to fit into most of my clothes.  So Marc and I had a rare date night last night and I crammed myself into the biggest pair of jeans I own along with a long shirt.  We sit down at the restaurant and my jeans were so tight that Marc could see how uncomfortable I was as I was telling him that I can barely breathe.  So he told me to just un-button my jeans and no one would notice.  Even after un-buttoning them they were still so tight I could barely eat or drink anything, by the end of dinner I had to have my jeans completely un-zipped.  Luckily I wore a long shirt and the restaurant wasn't busy so I don't think anyone noticed that I was slowly undressing myself.  And by the time we got home from seeing a movie, I had developed a full-blown, kind of big, baby bump.  Just like that!

Oh, and the worst part about shopping for new clothes was trying them on in the dressing rooms with bright lights and big mirrors.  Apparently eating endless amounts of combos and chubby hubby ice cream, while having minimal physical activity for the past 4 months, does bad things to your body.  BAD things.  I am so not looking forward to having to wear tank tops and shorts and dresses.  I might still be wearing big bulky sweaters and sweatshirts into August and now you know why.

We also spent a lot of time this week looking at schools for Poppy to go to next year.  As badly as I want to just keep her all to myself while I'm off on maternity leave next year, this kid is just dying to learn as much as humanly possible and I know that sending her to school for a few mornings a week is what she needs.  After tons of research, we found the perfect little school for her and she seemed to love it just as much as we did.  One of the things I love most about it is that it's less than a mile from our house, which means that I get to walk her to and from school as often as possible.  Speaking of learning, Poppy just amazes us with how badly she wants to learn everything!  (And now I'm going to brag about how smart she is, so if bragging about kids makes you want to barf, just skip ahead to the next paragraph)  She can spell Poppy, Mommy, Daddy, Ratty and Lola (do you see a little pattern with all the names except Lola?) and she asks us to spell out any new names she hears.  Just 2 weeks ago, she would pretend to write those names by just making straight lines for each letter, and then today she was writing on her magnadoodle and she correctly wrote the O and Y in her name - and we've never even tried to teach her that!  She can count up to 25 and recognizes most letters in the alphabet.  But what she really wants to learn is to read.  She begs us to read her the same book over and over and as soon as she memorizes that storyline, she will sit there for hours and pretend she is reading the book herself.  She gets so frustrated when she gets new books and she doesn't have the story memorized yet.  Yesterday Marc bought her a new Thomas book at the train show they went to together and he said that whole way home she kept saying, "But daddy I can't read this book yet!  Will you teach me how to read it?!  I need to READ this book!"  How awesome is that?

Oh, and I can't forget about the super fun playdate we had this week with a few of my best friends from work, who might also happen to be spending next year home... (I was too lazy to take any pics, so you can check them out on Natalie's blog)  And there was more candle-blowing and cake eating at Carter's birthday...

And now I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow!  Oh, and I have a sono scheduled for Wed. morning and hopefully we'll find out what we're having!!!  Poppy is predicting a boy...


Natalie said...

I say boy too :) And I wouldn't poo-poo those sundresses just yet, they may be your best friends this summer :)

Oh and I think you look great you big liar!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

Great update, both on the pregnancy (ugh!) and Poppy. I am so excited to hear if Poppy will have a new sister or brother. I am sure she will be happy with either.
I think Poppy will LOVE school. I dread having to start looking as well but know it is necessary. Boo!

Christine said...

What a great update!! Oh, that Poppy... she always amazes me! (And makes me laugh!)

Hmmm... that hairdo looks oddly familiar, except the one sporting it doesn't have pigtails as an excuse!

Sorry about some of the downsides of pregnancy... if it makes you feel better, I've had a similar diet of late and nothing to blame it on.

I can't wait for you to know what you are having! Will you share?!

Nicole said...

What a great update! I found out I was pregnant right around the time you announced your pregnancy! Hear you on the maternity clothes. I went ahead and bought a pair of maternity jeans from the GAP and those things have been a lifesaver! They look just like my regular jeans but with an elastic waist, which is genius! I plan to wear them even when I'm not pregnant -- or at least to every future Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Good luck with your sonogram!

saintlouisfricks said...

Wow, you had the whole week off? Fun. You and Poppy always do such a great job of maximizing your time together.
You've got quite a smarty-pants on your hands there. She'll *love* school! Glad you found one you're all happy with.
PLEASE share whether Poppy gets a bro or sis! Dying to know. My prediction is another girl :)
Oh, and have you talked to other mamas about borrowing maternity clothes? I just know I would be SO frustrated spending a bunch of $$ on clothes I could only wear for a short time. I've also heard that Old Navy has decent maternity stuff.

Alicia Colangelo said...

Hi Amanda - This is Christa's friend from Syracuse again (Aidan's mom). Not sure if she told you that I was pregnant quite unexpectedly last year and he arrived this past July - just a few short months after Aidan came home to us. We are busy, busy! But loving life :) I too was so not into the maternity clothing thing but found some good deals at Old Navy and Gap. Craig's List and ebay works too - sometimes for big names like Isabella Oliver and Nordstrom. Found a bathing suit at Target. Hoping you are feeling well and having a great time with your beautiful daughter! Maybe catch you at a future LTC event - take care - alicia

Chandra said...

Love the update! Poppy's love for learning is wonderful, so sweet that she was upset about her new book because she couldn't read it yet!

Can't wait to hear if you find out the sex of the baby!

mostlymorgan said...

I bet you look adorable! It is funny the bump is so much bigger in the evening than in the morning--gravity!

Poppy is such a smart little girl!

Christa said...

Have you submitted those working papers yet? Because P is so stinkin' cute you need to get that going!! And, can we expect an email tomorrow? The anticipation is tough on all us readers "Boy or Girl" what will it be? Some of us work at places where we know what the next cool baby thing is and we need to know the gender!

Krista said...

That is some crazy bed head! But so worth it with the pig tail cuteness!
I'm sure you still are one sassy looking librarian!

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