[caption id="attachment_1380" align="aligncenter" width="717" caption="This poor little pumpkin ended up with about 20 layers of paint on it."]

[caption id="attachment_1379" align="aligncenter" width="492" caption="She started out walking, but once she figured out that she was getting candy from each house, she started running."]

[caption id="attachment_1377" align="aligncenter" width="717" caption="Scoring her first piece of loot."]

[caption id="attachment_1378" align="aligncenter" width="717" caption="Proud of their pumpkin carving skillz."]

We had such a great time this year. It was so fun to watch how excited Poppy was to go from house to house. Oh, and then she loved handing out candy to all of the trick-or-treaters that came to our house. Except if they had a scary mask on, then she would hold onto their candy and say "Poppy no like that!" while she pointed to their mask.
And apparently she didn't get the memo that she was supposed to sleep in an hour this morning for daylight savings time. She actually decided to get up an hour earlier than usual, which technically made it 4:30am!!! Every couple of minutes I kept hearing her say, "mommy, daddy, where are you? Open door mommy, daddy!". But she didn't sound upset, so I just tried to go back to sleep, hoping that she would do the same. After an hour of hearing her call out for me, I finally decided to get up. I opened her door to see that she had turned her light on, taken off her pull-up diaper, put her pajama pants back on, and was attempting to put her wet diaper on her baby dolls, while saying "Poppy no want that - it wet." Nice.
OK - now *that* is a funny "fall back" story... sorry!
I can't get over how cute she looks as a puppy dog!
Wow, those are some serious pumpkin carving skills! And you're a brave woman allowing paint. I'm impressed.
Ugh, we were up at 5:20am today. Not fun. And what's with our girls stripping themselves? They must get pretty bored in bed...
How cute! Love the costume and the funny story :)
It seems like Poppy and Colin both liked handing out the candy. I think Colin actually liked that the best. Yes, I don't think any of our kids got the memo about the extra hour of sleep. I am hoping we can make up for it with a looooong nap.
Love the new header! By the way Claire didn't get the memo either!!!!!
Those pumpkins are AMAZING!! Poppy makes a very cute little puppy.
And Poppy!! 4:30??!! I am so thankful Alex GOT the memo... But her wake up story is just adorable!
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