Monday, June 29, 2009

School's out for summer!


Weather-wise, we're not having the greatest start to our summer vacation (with a forecast of another 4 days of thunderstorms) :( .  But I am so excited to be home with my baby, that it doesn't even matter!

While Poppy was napping today, I started to jot down the things I wanted to do this summer, and the entire piece of paper was filled within minutes.  We are going to have so much fun.  And my goal is to blog about our fun-filled days, every day.  Yes, every day.  Coming from someone who has a hard time blogging once a week, this might be quite the challenge.  It's so crazy how fast this girl is growing and changing that I want to try to document as much as I can.  So wish me luck on this new challenge, and be nice if I get lazy every once in a while.

Another crazy thing I've decided to do this summer - potty training for Poppy!  We've just completed day 3.  I'm exhausted.  And I don't want to jinx myself, so I'll wait til tomorrow to give a more detailed report...


Elizabeth said...

Yahoo for school being out!!! Sorry about the rain, though. I've been blogging daily for over a year now and I'm so thankful that I have - it's such a great way to document Olive's life. I hope you find it as addictive as I did... now it's just a daily habit. Good luck.
And you aren't kidding when you say potty training is thoroughly exhausting. It's WAY more work for us than for the kids. Hang in there!

Michelle said...

Fingers crossed for the potty training and please share all nasty as they may be.

The rain has let up here and the sun has been out so we can FINALLY start the summer.

Best of luck on the daily blogging.

Chandra said...

Yay! I can't wait to read your posts every day. Hopefully the rain stops soon so you can get out and have some fun.

jenna said...

YIPPIE! Welcome to summer! It's great! I too have a list a mile long of things I must do while I'm's been a good first week, I hope I can keep up with it :) Enjoy your time with Poppy!

Natalie said...

Your blog looks great! How cute does Poppy look, where did you get those boots?! Give me your tips on the potty training, we have just been too lazy to start :( The old sames must potty train at the same time. When is the next playdate?!?!

lookingforlulu said...

please fill me in with any potty training secrets. i am scared to even try! i bet miss p will pick it up quickly. can you imagine a life without diapers???

Christine said...

Oh yay!! I'm so excited you're trying to blog every day!! I can't wait to see what you are going to be up to!

(Any ideas on that list suitable for a one year old? If so, please share!) :-)

Tammy said...

I'm catching up on my Little Miss Poppy Blog and I stumbled upon this picture. I thought what an adorable umbrella....then I remembered ...I bought that umbrella! It suits Miss Poppy just fine. She couldn't be cuter!

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