I thought I'd share some pics of what are life has been like over the past few days...
Poppy and I both love the baby carrier. She loves being all snuggled up to me and it's the only way I can get anything done. If we didn't have the baby carrier and our co-sleeper, I honestly don't think we would have made it through the past couple of days.
Here we are at our first trip to the library. So far it seems like Poppy prefers adult books to her picture books. (I know, you're thinking - "who takes pictures in the library?" Marc does. Gotta love him.)

No, seriously, she does love being in the carrier! This is the face we get when she is tired and ready for a nap. No crying or screaming, not even a whimper, just this face.

I'm not sure if they have corn in Korea, but she seemed fascinated by it today. She stole a cob and tried to store it in the carrier for an afternoon snack.

This is the incredible smile we are slowly seeing more and more of each day.

I told you, without having the carrier, I wouldn't be able to get anything done!

When we're not out and about in our neighborhood, this is where you can usually find us. Poppy's nickname is Baby Bird. She just stays in this position all day long and looks up at me and opens her little mouth for food.

Speaking of food, this girl can eat! We were worried the first 48 hours because she was barely eating or drinking anything, but in the past couple of days, she eats anything and everything. That's a pile of tofu on her plate next to sweet potatoes and peas. She ate every last piece of tofu! It's her favorite.

Baby bird on mama's lap, all day long.

Her first experience with cheerios.

And this is what happens when you take the Baby Bird off mama's lap and try to put her in her own high-chair.

As you can see, our days are full of emotions lately. Poppy is still deeply grieving the loss of her foster family and it's heart-breaking when she calls out for them. But we are also seeing more of that incredible smile each day. The process of getting her 100% comfortable with us is going to take a lot longer than I ever imagined. But Marc and I couldn't be anymore happy that our little Baby Bird has finally flown home and we will do anything in our capacity to let her know how much we love and care for her.
I'm loving every single second. Congratulations :)
I found your blog a few weeks ago, it came up in a Google search for the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra (where I work) and I have been reading and devouring your archives ever since.
You look beyond beautiful together as a family. Congrats on bringing home your baby girl Poppy.
She is doing so well. I would be thrilled that she is so content in the carrier. That is awesome!! You must feel great that she wants you to be so close to her all of the time at this point. Really, I think you guys are doing so well!
Poppy looks more and more comfortable at home everyday. I am glad that she loves books just like Mama. I cannot wait to see our little Poppy again. I miss her. And how cute, now we have a T-Bird and a Baby Bird all in one family. I love it.
So, so cute. Well, except for the crying picture. I'm sure the bonding process will take a while, but I have to assume that her wanting to be close to you all the time has to be a good thing... right?!
It must be hard for her, I'm so glad that she finds comfort in her new mommy and wants to be close to her. The fact she is able to find that comfort in other people shows what a great job the foster family did.
I'm sure you will be seeing more and more of that gorgeous smile and laugh in the coming weeks. Congrats!
She is so adorable! I love all the pictures. Even the crying one is sadly precious!
Thanks for the update! Seems like she is doing well! I cannot wait to come over and play with her...I am definitely going to have to get that carrier :-)
Amanda and Marc, We are so happy for you!!!!She is beautiful. You guys must be on a cloud right now. Scott and Jessica keep us updated. Can't wait to meet her!!!!All our love, The Taggart Family xoxoxo
What a cutie. I love the face she gives when she is tired, way to sweet! It was good to see that big smile!
I'm thrilled to get a peek into your first days together...I'll call soon but want to give you time to bond and be together as a family. Don't worry about getting too much done ...just snuggle. Tammy
OH MY GOD!!!! SHE LOOKS SO HAPPY! She is looking more and more comfortable! I CANNOT wait to play her. Claire is dying to meet her, she calls her Papa!!! Words cannot express how happy we are for you!!!
I think she's doing very well, too! Morgan acted the same way during his first month. He wanted to be in my arms 24/7. As you said--thank God for the carrier!
It does get hard, but she is forming her bond with you as the mommy and it is wonderful that she accepts you as the most important person in her world!
I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you! Every time I look at your blog tears of joy stream from my face!!! She looks so comfortable with you Amanda ... i can't even imagine what that feels like!!!! I can't wait to see her again!! Enjoy this family time together!!!
Congratulations! I am so happy to see the whole family together finally! And Poppy is adorable!
I came upon your blog on the Korean blogroll. We adopted our son from Korea back in January of 2005 and submitted our paperwork to Korea in June to adopt a baby girl. I enjoyed seeing photos of Poppy. What agency did you use?
You look so happy together- I am so excited for you. She is just adorable! Enjoy every minute with her... they grow so quickly :) Congratulations!-- Sandy K.
You look so right together, so perfect. Your pictures are just beautiful
Amanda, words can not explain how happy I am for you, Marc and Poppy. She is just too precious. Your blog is better than any fairytail I've ever read. Congradulations!! Love, Bobbie Jo
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