I found this little indoor soccer game that I thought would be a fun addition to our family game nights...
It was all fun and games until Lola burst onto the scene and knocked over both Poppy and Sam trying to rip up the ball. Now we just have to make sure Lola is out of the room and the kids have a ton of fun playing soccer together. Well, Sam is still trying to get the hang of the whole "kick with your feet!" thing, but he still has fun...
Sam helping me unload the dishwasher. Yep, we start 'em young with the chores around here...
Poppy: Sam, I have to go poop. Wanna come with me?
Sam: grunt. feet pitter patter down the hall.
Poppy: Look mom! Sam and I are poopin' together!
(Sam wasn't really going poop on the potty, but he was having fun keeping his sister company!)
And the weekend has just begun!
Very cool soccer game - must keep an eye out for something similar!
Do tell about the soccer game?? Looks cute. And love that the kids share potty time.
That is a really neat soccer game! And aren't you going to have it easy when it comes time to potty train Sam!
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