Monday, June 14, 2010


Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early to hit the strawberry fields.  Poppy was so excited she could barely contain herself!

Here are my two worker bees, hard at work...

She was not impressed that her basket wasn't filled within the first few minutes...

But after some hard work...

we picked over 2 flats of strawberries - enough to last us a lifetime!  (or at least until next strawberry season)

After our naps, it was time for even more hard work.  We had to wash, chop and freeze most of them (for making yummy smoothies all year!)

Then on Sunday we headed over to Uma's to make strawberry jam...

Tucker and Poppy were quite the helpers!

Every time I turned around someone was trying to eat the jam...

Finally, the finished product!  Can't wait to make pb & j's with all this jam!

We also managed to make strawberry shortcake and frozen strawberry yogurt popsicles.  And if Poppy had her own way, she would have just eaten all of the strawberries fresh - I seriously cannot even believe how many strawberries this little piggy got to eat this weekend!


Michelle Oryl said...

Wow, that is a lot of strawberries. I know someone that LOVES to eat and can help Poppy out in this endeavor. Looks like a blast and at least you will not need any fruit in the near future!

Sarah said...

Looks like fun! Where did you go? You picked ALOT, but what a good idea to freeze for smoothies, we buy so many frozen strawberries, I need to do that!! Looks like a perfect weekend.

Natalie said...

It looks like you had so much fun! What a nice day!

Your belly looks so cute! It kinda makes me miss my belly :)

tammy said... this. And, I know you don't love it but I have serious sink envy. The picture of Poppy at the sink with the bobbing berries is my fav!

mostlymorgan said...

this looks like so much fun! Poppy will have such great memories of making jam!

You are spot on that the lack of sleep is no fun--but the quiet hours you spend with your little ones will help make up for it. I keep reminding myself that in a few short months my Leighton will be sleeping through the night and I will miss this time!

jenna said...

Looks SO fun! I am not sure if we'll get to do it this year or if we'll miss the season, but it looks like you guys had a blast! You look adorable, btw :)

Christine said...

WOW! Look at all those strawberries!!

I'm hoping to do this as well, but I don't think we are going to make it with how quickly time is flying by... YIKES.

And I love her little apron!

Krista said...

What fun! I'm going to attempt to do a strawberry picking trip this weekend - solo with Alex - wish me luck!
And you look fabulous!

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