Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Last night was our annual new year's eve dinner at the Korea House.  Poppy was in her glory.  This girl loves food- all different types of food.  But when you give her Korean food, she literally gets giddy.  It's so cute.  And check out her new trainer chopsticks that santa brought her.  It's unbelievable how well she can use them, and she asks for them at almost every meal now.  We finished the night off with a stop at our favorite dessert shop and little miss was WIRED by the time she got to bed.  And I was so proud of myself that I made it up until 10:00pm!!! (considering I've been going to bed at 8:00 lately)

After all of the party, party, partying we've been doing lately, it was so nice to finally have a day to relax at home.  Poppy and I stayed in our jammies all day and loved every minute of it.  I decided to finally tackle a recipe from my new Julia Child's cookbook.  I went for the Reine de Saba (chocolate and almond cake) and holy cow!!!  All 3 of us agreed that this is the the best cake we've ever had!  And it was actually really easy to make!  Seriously, it was soooo good.

While I was in the kitchen pretending to be on Julie & Julia, and Marc was tackling the downstairs bathroom makeover, Poppy was tearing up the living room.  It's funny to watch as her imagination develops.  She loves hiding under her blankie, pretending to read to Ratty.  Oh, and today she told me that she had monsters (big blue ones) hiding under bed.  How does she even know what a monster is, or that they hide underneath beds?  And no, she hasn't seen Monsters, Inc.  Anyways, so I helped her build a little fort and she was as happy as a clam playing in it.

And then when she saw that I was attempting to take a pic of her in her fort, she freaked out.  "No, mommy!  I hiding!!!  No pictures while I hiding!  Don't ruin it mommy!"

She reluctantly let Lola join her club, but no adults were allowed.


The other day I asked Poppy what she thought we should name the baby.  Her answer, "Um, Thomas, or Percy, Snow White, Tinkerbell, or Toby".  Disney characters and Thomas trains.  Awesome.


Natalie said...

Wow... my Mark and Poppy seem to like the same baby names :). Um..when are you going to take us to this Korean place to eat?!?! I love their little imaginations right now! Claire always tells me there are monsters on the top of her headboard, where they get this stuff we will never know. Hey...maybe they really are seeing something that we don't ?!?!?!

lookingforlulu said...

snow white would be my pick:)

i am thinking of making a julia child feast today. wish me luck. i am scared!

Amanda said...

First of all, that cake does look DELICIOUS!!! And, I need to get myself those trainer chopsticks that Poppy has. I have no idea how to use regular ones, and get super frustrated every time I try to eat with them.

saintlouisfricks said...

Wow, I want that cake! YUM!!!
Olive has similar training chopsticks, but we forget to take them out for her to use - thanks for the reminder.
And miss Poppy is getting some seriously thick hair! Right ON!
Love the fort. And I *love* the pic of Lola. So cute.

Michelle said...

I love the fort. No adults allowed cracks me up.
We got the same chopsticks but C is nowhere near being able to use them. He is a master with his fork skills though so it won't be long.

jenna said...

Ella is totally into building forts with blankets right now too. Gotta get me some of those chopsticks...fantastic!

Tammy said...

Jack wanted to name Jeremy "Percy" or "Duke" after his Thomas Trains...have to love it. PS...feel free to bring in the left overs of the cake to school. There are left overs right?

Christine said...

The fort stories/pictures are adorable. No adults - ha! I can't wait until the imagination stage...

Go Poppy with the chopsticks! We're still trying to master the spoon. Sigh.

And Mmmmm - cake.

klarobinson215 said...

The Korean food looks delicious! We bought Alex some of those chops in Seoul - perhaps next year we will break them out.
Forts are huge here too - mainly inside the dog crate... with mommy... inside the dog crate.

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