Sunday, March 29, 2009

Still working!


This is the new look we get when she sees the camera.  Nice.  And sometimes she'll even say "cheeese" along with that fake smile.


Showing us her ice-cream tattoos...


So the sleep program is still going great!  The best part is that she is officially sleeping through the night!  Unfortunately, she's waking up a bit early for us (usually around 5:45am), but instead of crying, she just calls out for us.  The sleep book says to not go into her room until at least 6am, so we don't respond when she calls for us, and she will usually fall back asleep until around 6:30 (which probably still seems too early for most of you, but she's always gotten up at 6:30, and we're up at 6 to start getting ready for work).  Bed-time is still a work-in-progress.  When we moved the chair across the room, she barely cried at all before falling asleep.  But since we've moved the chair to the door (the last 2 nights), she started crying again.  I almost wonder if it could have to do with being over-stimulated from all of the activitiy we've had this weekend.  Hmmmm.  Anyways, it says that some kids might need you to keep the chair in the doorway for a few extra nights before they're ready for you to just put them to bed and walk out the door.  I think that's the case with Poppy, which is fine with us.  It's amazing how much better we all feel now that we're getting solid sleep each night!  Poppy's been a wild child lately, which I love!  Speaking of our sassy little miss, we took her to the art gallery for brunch this morning..


And she just had to show off her little outfit my mom bought for her...


Getting into trouble during brunch...


And then I almost got us kicked out of the gallery for accidentally taking pictures with the flash on!  "Uh-oh, mama!"


"Let's blow this pop stand."


saintlouisfricks said...

First of all, YAY sleep program! I can imagine how much better you guys feel! When Olive first started really sleeping better, we felt alive again. I'm so happy for you guys.
Secondly, ADORABLE outfit!
Third, Olive has the same shoes. Hee hee :)

dana said...

so happy for you guys!! poppy is adorable in her new outfit - beautiful!!

Chandra said...

LOVE the photos! She is so darn adorable. I'm so happy for you all that the sleep program is working! I'm sure getting a solid night's rest is making a world of difference for all 3 of you.

I love the first photo, what a goof.

Marylou Slade said...

I love the outfit!

Michelle said...

Super cute as always and she is so cultured with the museum activity.

The sleep program- is it the one advertised on TV? Just need to know for future.

Natalie said...

Ok...that outfit ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! I think Claire needs one too!

stollmyheart said...

yay for sleep! so glad it's still working! super sweet pictures the "gallery outfit"!

Natalie said...

Just one more thing, the picture of Poppy looking at her tattoos...I think that is just the sweetest picture of her! That one is definitely one of my favs - the look on her face is priceless!

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