We call this Poppy's "station". And she can be found sitting at her station all hours of the day. Any new toy, book, item that enters our house must be taken over to the station for a full inspection. On this particular day, she was deep in thought writing a letter (perhaps to Santa?).

Is it creepy that I am a little obsessed with watching her sleep? I just can't help myself. Like, to the point of using up precious nap-time that should be spent cleaning, catching up on work, etc, is actually spent just staring at her. Can't help it.

One afternoon last week we had to go out and practice her trick-or-treating skills. I think she's got it down. Halloween should be fun!
Very cute. I only WISH we could get sleeping pictures of Olive. I'm too paranoid to open the door and wake her up though. I love that stripey sweater on Poppy. Adorable!
You are in no way creepy for loving to watch her sleep. I have a video monitor so that I can watch my child sleep!! They are the most precious when they are sleeping!!!
You've read "Love you Forever"...Mom's never stop watcing their children sleep. Jack's 8 and if I wander into bed without giving him another good night kiss and a lengthy stare in amazement of how beautiful he is, I have to get up and complete the ritual. It's our precious gift as parents...we get to watch them sleep. It's part of the magic.
sweetness. I love the sleeping pics...and the "station" pics! she is just too cute for words!
She is brilliant - look at those fine motor skills at work!! She is too cute for words - how could you not snap away while she is alseep??
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