Let's just say I've a had a little bit of wind taken out of my sails this week. No new news on the status of her visa- it's still at the agency, which is a downer itself, but then to make matters worse, I emailed our case worker with questions about our expected timeframe. Now mind you, our agency is pretty tight-lipped about estimated timeframes. On the night of our referral, they said expect to wait 4 months until she comes home. Period. But as you know, things have been progressing unusually quickly. So my big question was about how long it will be once she gets her visa (which should take another couple of weeks, at least, to schedule). I'm expecting for her to say about 1 week. Her reply: 4-6 weeks. Ouch. That means she probably won't be home until August.
Luckily, I have the best weekend in the world planned to keep my mind off this bummer news. First of all, today is the last day of school and beginning promptly at 12:30pm is the annual "End-of-the-Year Party". This is not your typical summer barbecue, this is a serious party. On the waterfront, beautiful weather, unlimited beer, and hundreds of teachers celebrating the fact that we have the next few months off. Good times are sure to be had.
Normally, I would spend this weekend recovering from the above mentioned festivities, but this year I am going to take-it-easy because I have a Poppy shower bright and early at 11:00 tomorrow morning. Another shower, you say? Yes, this is Poppy's 4th shower and one that I am definitely looking forward to. I will do my best to post pictures tomorrow night.
Sunday morning is Carter's baptism and Marc and I have the honor of being his God-parents. Followed by a fun-filled party at Jeff and Courtney's. And then, to top off this grand weekend of mine, I am going to see Wicked with a bunch of my girlfriends on Sunday night. I have a great story about going to see Wicked last year in Toronto, maybe I'll share it along with some pictures on Monday.
No time for a pity party, gotta go get ready for a weekend-o-fun!!!!
As soon as I published this post, I decided to give the Visa Center a call to see if they received her paperwork back from the agency yet. This is how the conversation went:
Me: I'd like to check on the status of my case.
NVC: Ok, here it is, OH, MY, GOD.
Me: WHAT??!?! What's wrong?!?!?!
NVC: This is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!
Me: You just gave me a heart-attack! But, I know, she really is.
NVC: Oh, it looks like we have her paperwork back and she's scheduled for a visa interview on Monday June 30th at 1:00.
Me: WHAT?!?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? (I wasn't expecting for this to be scheduled for another couple of weeks!!)
NVC: Yes, seriously, that means she will have get her visa on Monday.
ME: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! (mixture of screaming and crying at the same time).
NVC: Congratulations, and I hope you have a great weekend!
So, needless to say, the wind has come back to my sails and I am just sailing along right up to cloud nine. As far as "taking it easy this afternoon", well we'll just have to see about that, because I'm pretty sure this calls for some serious celebration. 4-6 weeks!!! And then she's home!!! Home forever!!!! I can do this!!!!
yay! i'm so glad her visa will be all set... let the countdown begin! i'm sorry to hear it will be 4-6 weeks... but i'm hoping it'll be faster like the rest of your process! can't wait to see her in your arms...
OMG! (sob sob sob) I am so happy. She is almost here, she is almost here!!!!!
What great news. I can't wait to see pictures of Poppy in your arms. :)
Congratulations! From a fellow librarian adopting from Korea...
OMG!!!! I am sooooooooooo excited for you right now. That is awesome! I bet it will be faster than 4-6 weeks. I think she'll be home in July!
4-6 wks will fly by i hope. so happy for you!!!!!
she really is so beautiful :)
Wonderful news!!!!
I wish that I could write in pink too! This is so very exciting!! Your baby girl is coming HOME :)
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